Romundina and the evolutionary origin of teeth

X-ray tomographic slice data of early vertebrate tooth plates and scales.

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Alternative title Data: Ruecklin & Donoghue Romundina Biology Letters 2015
Creator(s) Philip Donoghue, Martin Rücklin
Funder EU FP7 grant agreement 312284 (CALIPSO), Marie Curie Action (to M.R., P.D.), ERC Grant no. 311092 (to Martin Brazeau); NERC Standard grant no. NE/G016623/1 (to P.D.), the Paul Scherrer Institute.
Publication date 17 Jun 2015
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.7h9gynbsui4u1hap471inrlua
Citation Philip Donoghue, Martin Rücklin (2015): Romundina and the evolutionary origin of teeth.
Total size 9.8 GiB
