This was a human laboratory experimental study investigating the effect of nucleation texture inside drinking glasses on drinking time of an alcoholic beverage. The study design was a between-subjects model with one factor of glass type (non-nucleated, nucleated). Participants were randomised to receive 20 fl oz of standard strength lager either in a non-nucleated or nucleated glass. Lagers were chilled prior to serving and were opened and poured immediately prior to consumption in order to ensure that carbonation was consistent across participants. Baseline ratings of self-report measures of alcohol use, craving and mood (AUDIT, AUQ, PANAS) were administered. Participants were then given their beverage and were told that they should consume all of it at their own pace whilst watching a nature documentary (Earth: The Journey of a Lifetime, BBC Worldwide 2008). The experimenter started the film at the same point for all participants and left the room. When participants had finished their beverage, the experimenter returned and presented participants with a word search task in which they were instructed to find as many words as possible in four minutes. After completing this task, participants complete a lager drinking experience questionnaire and measures of alcohol craving (AUQ) and mood (PANAS). Data were captured using video analysis and the primary outcome was total drinking time of an alcoholic beverage. The study protocol was preregistered on the Open Science Framework ( Ethics approval was obtained from the Faculty of Science Research Ethics Committee at the University of Bristol (ethics approval code: 31031633763). The deposit includes the following files: NucleationStudy2_Protocol_20220407 NucleationStudy2_InformationSheet_20220407 NucleationStudy2_ConsentForm_20220407 NucleationStudy2_DebriefSheet_20220407 NucleationStudy2_DataSheet_20220407 NucleationStudy2_DataDictionary_20220407 NucleationStudy2_AnalysisScript_20220407 The data dictionary and data sheet are in CSV format and can be opened using a number of software packages. The AnalysisScript file was created in SPSS version 27. These files can be opened as TXT files, but are only usable in SPSS. SPSS software can be downloaded here: