Dataset inventory: - Data_si000, Data_si025, Data_si050, Data_si100 and Data_si200 folders correspond to data gathered with different horizontal noise and each contain: - 40 .mat data files (named c01_01,c01_02,c02_01,c02_02,c03_01...) with the first index corresponding to to the gap identity, and the second to the training or test runs. For instance c02_01 corresponds to the training run for the second gap. - a display_data folder containing 40 .png graphs representing the gathered data. - "display_data.m": a Matlab file allowing display of the data in Matlab. - "expt.mat": a meta data file decribing the experiment. Operating system requirements: - Windows/Linux/MAC OS. Software requirements: - Matlab. Data description: - c0x_0x: 1x111 cell, each column corresponds to the vertical depth of contact of the TacTip (0.1mm between each position) Each cell contains a 42x80 matrix, where columns correspond to x- and y-positions of pins (in pixels), and rows correspond to separate recorded frames.