* Encoding: UTF-8. *Encoding: UTF-8. **************** This syntax will reproduce all the analysis for the online e-cig misperceptions study (in SPSS [versions 24] only). ****************This syntax was created by Madeleine Svenson on 05/06/2020 *creating a CRUK variable from the Qualtrics output* RECODE Q6__CRUK_Page_Submit (1 thru 100000=1) INTO CRUK. VARIABLE LABELS CRUK 'CRUK'. EXECUTE. *creating an expert variable from Qualtrics output* RECODE Q9_Expert_Page_Submit (1 thru 100000=3) INTO Expert. VARIABLE LABELS Expert 'Expert'. EXECUTE. *creating a Control variable from the Qualtrics output* RECODE Q10 (1=4) INTO Control. VARIABLE LABELS Control 'Control'. EXECUTE. *CRUK, Expert and Control were combined into one variable called Condition* RECODE CRUK Expert Control (1 thru 4 =COPY) (ELSE=0) INTO Expert_temp CRUK_temp Control_temp. EXECUTE. COMPUTE Condition=Expert_temp + CRUK_temp + Control_temp. EXECUTE. *value labelling for Condition* VALUE LABELS Condition 1 "CRUK" 3 "Expert" 4 "Control". EXECUTE. *recoding system missing for Q27, how often do you currently use an e-cigarette of vaping device, as system missing users has previously answered that they do not use a vaping device* RECODE Q27 (SYSMIS=7). *********** exclusions *excluding: unfinished surveys, Q15 2s 3s and 4s i.e non-daily smokers, Q11_6 particpants who failed the attention check and manipulation check (Q11 = condition)* SELECT IF (Progress = 100) and (Q15 = 1) and (Q11_6 = 1) and (Condition = Q11). EXECUTE. SELECT IF (Q27 = 4) or (Q27 = 5) or (Q27 = 7). EXECUTE. ***missing values*** MISSING VALUES Q11_1 to Q11_5 (8). MISSING VALUES Q11_7 to Q13_7 (8). EXECUTE. *Computing single variable from answers to FTND* COMPUTE FTND=Q21 + Q22 + Q23 + Q24 + Q25 . VARIABLE LABELS FTND 'Fagerstom Test Nicotine Dependence'. EXECUTE. ******to produce all the demographic table 1 data*** FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 /STATISTICS=STDDEV MEAN /ORDER=VARIABLE. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=FTND /STATISTICS=STDDEV MEAN. EXECUTE. *********************************analysis ***primary outcome analysis*** *For general and sepcific harm percpetions: one-way ANOVA, Brown-Forsythe, Games-Howell and Levenes* ONEWAY Q11_1 Q11_2 Q11_3 Q11_4 Q11_5 Q11_7 Q13_1 Q13_2 Q13_3 Q13_4 Q13_5 Q13_6 Q13_7 BY Condition /STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES HOMOGENEITY BROWNFORSYTHE WELCH /MISSING ANALYSIS /POSTHOC=GH ALPHA(0.05). EXECUTE. *partial eta squared and standard error* MEANS TABLES=Q11_1 Q11_2 Q11_3 Q11_4 Q11_5 Q11_7 Q13_1 Q13_2 Q13_3 Q13_4 Q13_5 Q13_6 Q13_7 BY Condition /CELLS=MEAN COUNT SEMEAN /STATISTICS ANOVA. EXECUTE. * Biggest concern frequencies and percentage for Table 2* FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Q14 /BARCHART PERCENT /ORDER=ANALYSIS. EXECUTE. SORT CASES BY Condition. SPLIT FILE SEPARATE BY Condition. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Q14 /BARCHART PERCENT /ORDER=ANALYSIS. EXECUTE. SPLIT FILE OFF. EXECUTE. *Chi squared and phi and cramers V for intention to tru e-cigaerttes in the future of use them in a future quit attempt* CROSSTABS /TABLES=Q57_1 Q57_2 BY Condition /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ PHI /CELLS=COUNT ROW COLUMN TOTAL /COUNT ROUND CELL. EXECUTE.