This folder contains the processed data generated using the analysis procedure described in King and Bode 2022 (Section 3.1) for each day of the festival that occupancy, distance, and desirability data were available. Since performance schedules were not available for Day minus 1, this folder is empty. Each folder contains the following Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files containing all necessary information on all assumed choices made during each day to calibrate the pedestrian destination choice model described in Equations 1 and 2 in Section 3.1 of King and Bode 2022: * all cleaned (see Section 3.1.1) choices * all conflicted (see Section 3.1.1) choices * all cleaned choices for different occupancy smoothing window widths (see Section 3.1.2) used to generate Figure 7 in Section 8. * all conflicted choices for different occupancy smoothing window widths (see Section 3.1.2) used to generate Figure 8 in Section 8. All CSV files are formatted identically, with each row representing a choice made by an individual: Column 1: The chosen destination. Each destination is assigned a unique integer identifier based on the name of the 14 detectors arranged in alphabetical order, i.e. Boiler = 1, Castello = 2, Club = 3, Dance = 4, Main = 11, Marquee = 12, Shelter = 13, Wablief = 14. Used to find the correct values of occupancy, distance, and desirability to calculate the observed choice probability given in Equation 2 in the accompanying paper. Column 2: The current destination. Each destination is assigned a unique integer identifier based on the name of the 14 detectors arranged in alphabetical order, i.e. Boiler = 1, Castello = 2, Club = 3, Dance = 4, Main = 11, Marquee = 12, Shelter = 13, Wablief = 14. Can be safely ignored. Columns 3-10: normalised occupancies for each destination as described in Section 3.1.1. Columns 11-18: normalised distances for each destination as described in Section 3.1.2. Columns 19-26: normalised desirabilities for each destination as described in Section 3.1.3. No schedule is available for 'Day -1', so this folder is empty.