This was a survey of researchers at MRC-funded major investments (Institutes, Units and Centres), the University of Bristol, and the Babraham Institute to investigate their level of engagement with and understanding of open research practices, and their perceived training needs. Open research topics included data sharing, open access, open code, preprints, and preregistration, based on the UK Reproducibility Network Open Research Primer Series ( The deposit includes the following files: data/2021-03-12_Open_Research_Survey_Data_Sheet.csv data/2021-03-12_Open_Research_Survey_Data_Dictionary.csv output/survey_report_alldata.html output/survey_report_Babrahamdata.html output/survey_report_Bristoldata.html output/survey_report_MRCdata.html code/render_report.R code/survey_report.Rmd code/functions/format_leadership.R code/functions/format_priority.R code/functions/format_priority_training.R code/functions/format_training.R code/functions/plots.R data-cleaning/datacleaning.R data-cleaning/functions/read_survey.R data-cleaning/data-helpers/clean_columnorder.csv data-cleaning/data-helpers/clean_MRCtaxonomy.csv survey_reports.Rproj The data dictionary defines the contents of the data sheet comprehensively. The analysis scripts were written in R version 3.6.3; these files are only useable in R. R can be downloaded from Reports of the survey data can be generated in R using the survey_report.Rmd and render_report.R files; survey_report.Rmd should be generated by running the render_report.R script and not using the Knit button in R Studio. The data cleaning code and associated files were used to prepare the data sheet for depositing at data.bris, and are therefore unusable, but are included in this deposit for transparency.