1) Western blot quantification for Tau phosphorylation: Quantification of Tau phosphorylation levels for 3 different phosphorylation sites (pS262, pS396 and pT231) from three western blot repeats; quantitative results of blot/membrane intensity were compared between Tau-overexpressing flies on normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 drug food. 2) Rough eye_data for fly eye surface areas: four genotypes of flies (CSW-, tAB42, Tau and mnb) on normal food, DYR219 or DYR533 drug food; fly eye surface areas were meausured and compared between normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 for each genotype. 3) Fly longevity data:four genotypes of flies (CSW-, tAB42, Tau and mnb) on normal food, DYR219 or DYR533 drug food; Starting with 50 flies each genotype, the numbers of died flies were counted each week and after 10 weeks the median survial days were calculated and compared between normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 drug food for each genotype. 4) Fly climbing data over 4 weeks:four genotypes of flies (CSW-, tAB42, Tau and mnb) on normal food, DYR219 or DYR533 drug food; fly climbing capabilities (percentages) were meausured and compared between normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 for each genotype. 5) Fly sleep data:four genotypes of flies (CSW-, tAB42, Tau and mnb) on normal food (NF), DYR219 or DYR533 drug food; five sleep related parameters in 24 hours were analysed and compared respectively between normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 drug food for each genotype. 6) 1 hour Memory test and Sensory control data:four genotypes of flies (OK107>CSW- or OK107>/+, OK107>tAB42, OK107>Tau and OK107>mnb) on normal food, DYR219 or DYR533 drug food; fly sensory avoidance of 2 odors (Octanol and MCH) and shock avoidance were meausured and compared between normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 drug food for each genotype; fly 1 hour memory test was conducted and PI (performance index) was calculated and compared between normal food and DYR219 or DYR533 drug food for each genotype.