This was a series of three studies testing a novel "Outfit Choice Task" for assessing body satisfaction. Study 1 was a cross-sectional online study with no inclusion or exclusion criteria; data presented are from 244 participants self-identifying as female. Participants were asked for basic demographic information (age, gender, weight and height), and to complete measures of body satisfaction (Eating Disorders Examination - Questionnaire and Body Shape Satisfaction Scale) and rated how comfortable they would feel wearing the series of outfits in the novel "Outfit Choice Task". Study 2 was laboratory-based study of 93 healthy women. Participants were asked for demographic data (including age), and to complete the Eating Disorder Examination, the Body Shape Satisfaction Scale and the novel Outfit Choice Task, amongst other measures which have been shared previously (see below). Their weight and height were measured and recorded. Study 2 was pre-registered on the Open Science Framework ( Study 3 was a laboratory-based case-control study of 30 women with an eating disorder and 30 without an eating disorder. Participants were asked for demographic data including age. They completed the Eating Disorder Examination, and the Body Shape Satisfaction Scale, amongst other measures. Their weight and height were measured and recorded. The data dictionary defines the contents of the data sheet comprehensively. This deposit includes the following files: 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Consent Form_Study_1 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Consent_Form_Study_2 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Consent_Form_Study_3_Parent 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Consent_Form_Study_3_Participant 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Information_Sheet_Study_1 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Information_Sheet_Study_2 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Information_Sheet_Study_3_Parent 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Information_Sheet_Study_3_Participant 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Data_Sheet 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Data_Dictionary 2019.12.30_Body_Dissatisfaction_Images Data files and data dictionary can be opened in Excel or SPSS software. Related work arising from Study 1 is available as a pre-print here: Andy Skinner, Helen Bould, Andy Woods, Peter J Etchells, Ian S Penton-Voak, Andrew Clark, Catherine Harmer, Rebecca Park, Matthew Broome, and Marcus R Munafo. (2017). The Morphed Photographic Figure Scale: Creation and validation of a novel set of realistic female body stimuli (Publication no. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UGJHA |). Retrieved 22.3.19, from OSF Related data on Study 2 is available here: