Bristol Vision Institute - Synthetic Texture Dataset (BVI-SynTex) This dataset contains 186 Full High Definition (FHD) video texture sequences at 60fps and in YUV format with a 4:2:0 chroma sample. The dataset was created using Unreal Engine Software UE4 ( and it contains versions of the same video textures but with different parameters, such as different granularity, velocity, camera position, etc. The dataset is split in three folders based on the texture type, i.e. Static, Dynamic Continuous and Dynamic Discrete. In order to view the video sequences, a YUV player is required which is freely available online. Suggested YUV viewers that are open source and have been tested by the developers of this data set are YUV Toolkit ( and and YUView ( The naming convention of the sequences is as follows: '(NameOfTexture)(LevelOfSpeed)(LevelOfGranularity)'_'Noframes'_'resolution'.yuv except for those that the level of speed or/and granularity do not vary.