This data supports the paper titled: “FeelMusic: Enriching Our Emotive Experience of Music Through Audio-Tactile Mappings” Authors: Haynes, A., Lawry, J., Kent, C., Rossiter, J. Contact: ======================================== The paper has been accepted for publication in Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. ======================================== The directory contains the following folders and files: A folder named “Experiment 1” containing: Stimuli: The experiment stimuli are split into part 1 and part 2 corresponding to parts 1 and 2 of the experiment. All stimuli are included in the following MATLAB files named: “STIMULIpart1.mat” “STIMULIpart2.mat” Each MATLAB file contains a struct for all stimuli containing the variables: “name”: the name of stimulus (to cross reference to participant responses) “type”: waveform type “amp”: amplitude of stimulus “freq”: frequency of stimulus Participant Responses: The participant responses are split into part 1 and part 2 corresponding to parts 1 and 2 of the experiment. All responses are recorded in the following MATLAB files named: “Participant_Responses_Part1.mat” “Participant_Responses_Part2.mat” Each MATLAB file contains a struct for all participants 1 to 20 containing the variables: “trials”: when the stimulus was presented to participants (the randomised order) “num”: stimulus number “xVal” + “yVal”: mouse position (in 700 by 700 window) of participants response in circumplex model (y values need inversion) “name”: name of stimulus The name of the stimulus corresponds with the “name” field of the Stimuli discussed above. Experiment Documents: The consent form and participant information sheet used in the experiment: "ParticipantInformationSheet.pdf" "ConsentForm.pdf" A folder named “Experiment 2” containing: Stimuli: The music samples M1 to M7 that were used in Experiment 2 as .mp3 and .midi files, named as follows: “M1.mp3” “M2.mp3” “M3.mp3” “M4.mp3” “M5.mp3” “M6.mp3” “M7.mp3” “M1.midi” “M2.midi” “M3.midi” “M4.midi” “M5.midi” “M6.midi” “M7.midi” The text files of the tactile mappings T1-T7 and the tactile compositions S1-S8 describing the control of the Pump-and-Vibe interface. Within each text file is a n-row by 10-column array of values, where n is the number of time steps, columns 1-8 correspond to the vibration motors 1-8 and column 10 corresponds to the pneumatic actuation. Named as follows: “T1.txt” “T2.txt” “T3.txt” “T4.txt” “T5.txt” “T6.txt” “T7.txt” “S1.txt” “S2.txt” “S3.txt” “S4.txt” “S5.txt” “S6.txt” “S7.txt” “S8.txt” Participant Responses: The participant valence responses are recorded in an excel spreadsheet named: “RawData.xlsx” The participant adjective responses (by position in Hevner’s circle) are recorded in a MATLAB file named: “Experiment2adjective_data.mat” For both of these sets of data, the stimuli were presented to participants in a randomised order. The stimuli order for each individual participant is recorded in a MATLAB file named: “orderParticipant[participant number].mat” Within each of these MATLAB files is four arrays containing the stimulus order for each group of stimuli as detailed below. These arrays are named: “stimOrder1” “stimOrder2” “stimOrder3” “stimOrder4” stimOrder1: Group 1: Music only stimOrder2: Group 2: Tactile compositions stimOrder3: Group 3: Tactile representations of music (not including randomly generated one) stimOrder4: Group 4: Music and tactile combination Experiment Documents: The consent form and participant information sheet used in the experiment: "ParticipantInformationSheet.pdf" "ConsentForm.pdf" ======================================== Directory structure: >Experiment 1 >Stimuli >Participant Responses >Experiment Documents >Experiment 2 >Stimuli >Participant Responses >Experiment Documents ========================================