%------------------------------------------------------------------% Performance optimization of a conical dielectric elastomer actuator Chongjing Cao and Andrew T. Conn %-------------------------------------------------------------------% %%% Please use Microsoft Excel to open the following files %%% file name: SingleConeTesta=4mmV=0.xlsx Description: Moving a single cone DEA out-of-plane, record the displacement (mm) & force (mN) at V = 0V. a = 4 mm, b = 20 mm file name: SingleConeTesta=4mmV=1500.xlsx Description: Moving a single cone DEA out-of-plane, record the displacement (mm) & force (mN) at V = 1500V. a = 4 mm, b = 20 mm file name: SingleConeTesta=6mmV=0.xlsx Description: Moving a single cone DEA out-of-plane, record the displacement (mm) & force (mN) at V = 0V. a = 6 mm, b = 20 mm file name: SingleConeTesta=6mmV=1500.xlsx Description: Moving a single cone DEA out-of-plane, record the displacement (mm) & force (mN) at V = 1500V. a = 6 mm, b = 20 mm file name: Optimization results.xlsx Description: optimization results (displacement (mm) and work output (mW)) for three cone configurations.