How Do You Move?
These are the videos from the ARC West "How Do You Move?" project. This dataset is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication... -
Data for Buckling-induced sound production in the aeroelastic tymbals of Ypon...
Supplementary data for the publication Buckling-induced sound production in the aeroelastic tymbals of Yponomeuta -
Micro-scale interactions between Arabidopsis root hairs and soil particles co...
Soil is essential for sustaining life on earth. Plant roots play a crucial role in stabilising soil and minimising erosion, although these mechanisms are still not completely... -
Data from "Towards efficient elastic actuation for bio-inspired locomotion"
This data set accompanies the research manuscript "Towards efficient elastic actuation for bio-inspired locomotion" by Chongjing Cao and Andrew Conn. -
Caring for the Beyond Two Buddhist Festivals for the Deceased
In Lao Buddhism the relationship between the living and the dead is expressed and perpetuated in rituals. The ‘Festival of rice packets covering the earth’ and the ‘Festival of... -
A Buddhist Cosmology in Food
The Buddhist cosmology of the Pali texts comprises 31 realms reaching from beings in hell at the bottom of the scale to the gods of the formless realms with humans somewhere in... -
The Spirits' Happy Days Buddhist Festivals for the Dead in Southeast China
In China it is said that at the beginning of the seventh lunar month King Yama opens the gates of the underworld to release the spirits of the dead. During this Ghost Month the...