Evaporation Kinetics and Final Particle Morphology of Multi-component Salt So...
In both nature and industry, aerosol droplets contain complex mixtures of solutes which in many cases include multiple inorganic components. Understanding the drying kinetics of... -
DNA origami data and software/Data
This folder contains the experimental data and Python software used to prepare the figures in the main text and supplementary information of the paper entitled 'Ice Nucleation... -
Raw planktic foraminifera assemblage size data accompanying Filippi et al. 20...
This dataset contains raw foraminiferal assemblage size data for ODP Sites 1209 and 1210 -
Correlating molecular precursor interactions with device performance in solut...
Investigation of the performance of CZTSSe thin film as solar absorber as a function of the precursor solution composition -
Photochemistry of Nitroaromatic Phototrigger Compounds/2_TEAS/370-480 WLC
Data sets for time-resolved spectroscopy of nitroaromatic phototrigger compounds. -
Photochemistry of Nitroaromatic Phototrigger Compounds/2_TEAS/470-920 WLC
Data sets for time-resolved spectroscopy of nitroaromatic phototrigger compounds. -
Correlating molecular precursor interactions with device performance in solut...
Investigation of the performance of CZTSSe thin film as solar absorber as a function of the precursor solution composition -
Correlating molecular precursor interactions with device performance in solut...
Investigation of the performance of CZTSSe thin film as solar absorber as a function of the precursor solution composition -
Correlating molecular precursor interactions with device performance in solut...
Investigation of the performance of CZTSSe thin film as solar absorber as a function of the precursor solution composition -
SARS-CoV-2 Effect of CO2
Data for Nature Communications paper on SARS-CoV-2/CO2 -
Experimental O-paper/Experimental data/XPS
This is the data repository for the paper 'Oxygen-terminated diamond: insights into the correlation between surface oxygen configurations and work function values' by Ramiz... -
Experimental O-paper/Experimental data/UPS
This is the data repository for the paper 'Oxygen-terminated diamond: insights into the correlation between surface oxygen configurations and work function values' by Ramiz... -
Royal Soc Open Science Titelboim
The data is stored in two folders one containing the CT scans and one the FEA models. -
Royal Soc Open Science Titelboim/FEA Models
The data is stored in two folders one containing the CT scans and one the FEA models. -
Data for Gram-positive bacteria paper/Data_Analysis/Data_Analysis_bD_Paper/OC...
These files contain the raw data files for the paper: N. Norouzi, W. Woudstra, E. Smith, G. Zulpukarova, K. Yao, V.G. Damle, R. Schirhagl, P.W. May, Tom Kamp, "Antimicrobial... -
Data for Gram-positive bacteria paper/Data_Analysis/Data_Analysis_bD_Paper/OC...
These files contain the raw data files for the paper: N. Norouzi, W. Woudstra, E. Smith, G. Zulpukarova, K. Yao, V.G. Damle, R. Schirhagl, P.W. May, Tom Kamp, "Antimicrobial... -
Data for Gram-positive bacteria paper/Data_Analysis/Data_Analysis_bD_Paper/OC...
These files contain the raw data files for the paper: N. Norouzi, W. Woudstra, E. Smith, G. Zulpukarova, K. Yao, V.G. Damle, R. Schirhagl, P.W. May, Tom Kamp, "Antimicrobial... -
Data for Gram-positive bacteria paper/Data_Analysis/Data_Analysis_bD_Paper/OC...
These files contain the raw data files for the paper: N. Norouzi, W. Woudstra, E. Smith, G. Zulpukarova, K. Yao, V.G. Damle, R. Schirhagl, P.W. May, Tom Kamp, "Antimicrobial... -
Data for Gram-positive bacteria paper/Experiments_S.aureus/Experiments_S.aure...
These files contain the raw data files for the paper: N. Norouzi, W. Woudstra, E. Smith, G. Zulpukarova, K. Yao, V.G. Damle, R. Schirhagl, P.W. May, Tom Kamp, "Antimicrobial... -
Data for Gram-positive bacteria paper/Data_Analysis/Data_Analysis_bD_Paper/OC...
These files contain the raw data files for the paper: N. Norouzi, W. Woudstra, E. Smith, G. Zulpukarova, K. Yao, V.G. Damle, R. Schirhagl, P.W. May, Tom Kamp, "Antimicrobial...