Neotropical Scoping Review
Raw data from scoping review on surveillance and effects of pesticides and veterinary drugs on Neotropical avian scavengers -
Data for: Molecular characterisation of neurons across animals identify conse...
This repository includes all Supplementary Figures and Tables for the publication cited above, and several source datasets for those interested in replicating the work. -
Background complexity code and data
Data and code to accompany Lunt et al. "Background choice is mediated by complexity in cephalopods" -
Dataset for Robosoft paper on vacuum energy storage
This repository contains data for the paper "H.I.V.E. System: A Wearable Textile Pneumatic Storage Device for Assistive Haptic Feedback", to be presented at RoboSoft 2025 in... -
A Low Cost Multi Degree of Freedom Capacitive Soft Sensor
Underlying data from the research article "A Low Cost Multi Degree of Freedom Capacitive Soft Sensor" published in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters journal. -
A Gigahertz configurable silicon photonic integrated circuit nonlinear interf...
Open access data for research article "A Gigahertz configurable silicon photonic integrated circuit nonlinear interferometer" by Jonathan Frazer, Takafumi Ono and Jonathan C. F.... -
STUDIOTEC Labour Filmographies Sites Databases
Data researched for the STUDIOTEC research project by team members Morgan Lefeuvre (France), Eleanor Halsall (Germany), and Carla Mereu Keating and Catherine O'Rawe (Italy). The... -
An Innovative Approach to Characterizing the Refractive Indices and Effective...
Data associated with publication with title, "An Innovative Approach to Characterizing the Refractive Indices and Effective Densities of Internally Mixed Light-Absorbing Aerosol... -
Avian Contact Study Questionnaire Data (May - July 2024)
Data collected from the Avian Contact Study (https://bristol.ac.uk/avian-contact) questionnaire between 15 May 2024 and 31 July 2024. First data release. -
2025 - PlosOne - Mapping frequency to distance
Included here are data to support the paper: Pingping Jiang, Jonathan Rossiter, and Christopher Kent, Auditory and Tactile Frequency Mapping for Visual Distance Perception: A... -
Opioid Overdose Study transcripts
Interview transcripts, consent form, participant information sheet and aggregated participant characteristics -
Cold-Formed Steel Built-up Columns Database V2
The second version of the cold-formed steel built-up columns database (CFS_BCDatabase.V2) includes results of axial compression tests of 1037 CFS open, closed, and half-closed... -
Multimodal Resonance in Strongly Coupled Inductor Arrays
Data and models relating to the publication "Multimodal Resonance in Strongly Coupled Inductor Arrays" in IEEE TIM 2025. -
R markdown file for Bayesian Regression Modelling in 'What controls planktic ...
The R markdown file "BayesianScript.pdf" contains the code required to run the Bayesian regression models found in the paper. -
Data from Multiple hunting displays in wild broadclub cuttlefish
Data accompanying the Ecology paper Data_from_Multiple_hunting_displays_in_wild_broadclub_cuttlefish for publication in January 2025 -
This is a one of a series of original stories created by the Mariners team as part of the Mariners project, a study of religion, race and empire in British ports, 1801-1914,... -
Genome-wide association study of cardiovascular outcomes in UK Biobank
This dataset is the results of three genome-wide association studies (GWAS) run in UK Biobank on cardiovascular traits under App 15825 (PI, P.Haycock). -
'Sensing Spaces of Healthcare' interviews
Interviews on hospital arts, design, and architecture for the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship 'Sensing Spaces of Healthcare: Rethinking the NHS Hospital' (MR/S033793/1) in 2022-23. -
Evaporation Kinetics and Final Particle Morphology of Multi-component Salt So...
In both nature and industry, aerosol droplets contain complex mixtures of solutes which in many cases include multiple inorganic components. Understanding the drying kinetics of... -
Supra-particle Formation By Evaporation of Aerosol Droplets Containing Binary...
This paper has been published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Volume 682, 15 March 2025, Pages 251-262 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2024.11.155 Hypothesis Supra-particle...