R markdown file for Bayesian Regression Modelling in 'What controls planktic ...
The R markdown file "BayesianScript.pdf" contains the code required to run the Bayesian regression models found in the paper. -
FABDEM V1-2, an update on FABDEM V1-0. Changes detailed in FABDEM-V1-2 Changelog.pdf. FABDEM (Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM) is a global elevation map that removes... -
Boreham GSAB 2019 (UPDATED version available at DOI: 10.5523/bris.ch1ck57uyjm...
Supplementary information and data to accompany the paper "Lava–river interactions and rootless cone formation during the 1783–1784 Laki fissure eruption" N.b. these data have... -
Black Diamond paper (Biomaterials Science 2018)
This is the raw data for ''Studies of Black Silicon and Black Diamond as materials for antibacterial surfaces' publihsed in Biomaterials Science 2018 -
PSCI 2013 extended **superseded by 10.5523/bris.3epws48ek1oyb217so2fzwr3cv**
This data set has been superseded by DOI: https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.3epws48ek1oyb217so2fzwr3cv Extended data set for the study reported in Lewandowsky, S., Oberauer, K.,... -
Data from GlobalMass (02-2019)
This repository contains supporting documentation with background information about the structured expert judgement described in the paper entitled: Ice sheet contributions to... -
The effect of game mechanics and financial incentive on amount of engagement ...
This study explored the effects of both game mechanics and financial incentive on the amount of engagement with a cognitive test. Participants (n = 96) signed up to take part.... -
PSCI 2013
Data as reported in Lewandowsky, S., Oberauer, K., & Gignac, G. E. (2013). NASA faked the moon landing—therefore (climate) science is a hoax: An anatomy of the motivated... -
How sticky is the chaos/order boundary?
Spatially Embedded Networks is an EPSRC funded project, EP/N002458/1, linked to a project in Oxford EP/N002350/1. It involves exploring mathematical and network properties... -
Data associated with Hall et al. (2015), Developmental Psychology
Data (.csv files) and metadata file for data associated with Hall et al. (2015) Developmental Psychology publication -
No impact of calorie or unit information on ad libitum alcohol consumption
In this experimental human laboratory study, participants were randomized to one of four conditions, balanced by gender, using a 2 (unit information: present vs. absent) × 2... -
Reactions of N and O containing species on a C(100):H 2x1 reconstructed diamo...
Cartesian coordinates and calculated energies for all species involved in the QM calculations of Figures 2, 6 and 8, and a sample structure for the full QM/MM system in Tinker... -
KOALA program for processing transient spectra, written by Dr Michael Grubb. -
Data associated with Jarrold et al. (2015), QJEP
Data (.csv files), SPSS analysis syntax records (in .txt file format), and metadata/instruction file for data and analyses associated with Jarrold et al. (2015) QJEP publication