Liu Hao et al. (2015): Position- and time-resolved Stark broadening diagnostics of a non-thermal laser-induced plasma

Original data and supplementary information for the article "Position- and time-resolved Stark broadening diagnostics of a non-thermal laser-induced plasma" by Liu Hao, Benjamin S Truscott and Michael N R Ashfold

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Creator(s) Hao Liu, Michael Ashfold, Benjamin Truscott
Funder Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Publication date 21 Dec 2015
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.tavsvmgiyjik1gctcdl0adm2c
Citation Hao Liu, Michael Ashfold, Benjamin Truscott (2015): Liu Hao et al. (2015): Position- and time-resolved Stark broadening diagnostics of a non-thermal laser-induced plasma.
Total size 4.9 MiB

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