A numerical study of variability in the manufacturing process of thick composite parts

This repository contains Matlab scripts for the study of variability in the consolidation process of thick composite parts. It was conducted at the Universities of Nottingham and Bristol under the EPSRC funded Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites research project “Defect Generation Mechanisms in Thick and Variable Thickness Composite Parts – Understanding, Predicting and Mitigation” (DefGen), grant reference no. EP/I033513/1.

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Creator(s) Stephen Hallett, Oliver Nixon-Pearson, Dmitry Ivanov, Jonathan Belnoue
Publication date 01 Oct 2018
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.jsxvn0aq2hgt2afxuk17633t0
Citation Stephen Hallett, Oliver Nixon-Pearson, Dmitry Ivanov, Jonathan Belnoue (2018): A numerical study of variability in the manufacturing process of thick composite parts. https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.jsxvn0aq2hgt2afxuk17633t0
Total size 9.5 KiB

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