BBSRC work

The data produced by this project will be behavioural and physiological measures of reactions shown by hens living in different environments. These data will be thermal images, logged physiological and physical condition data, behavioural data recorded on digital video, and results from preference and cognitive bias tests. In line with the BBSRC Statement on Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice the above data will be retained for a period of ten years after completion of the project.

Secondary use We cannot identify immediate opportunities for secondary use, although it is possible that the data could be used in work by others examining the ability of humans to assess animal welfare, or in training welfare assessors. We would be happy to provide data for these purposes.

Methods and timeframe for data sharing Following publication of our results, or within 3 years of the termination of the grant, whichever is sooner, our data will be made available on request to bona fide researchers. All data will be labelled using systematic filenames for data identification. Behavioural, physiological and physical condition data will be supplied in a standard electronic spreadsheet format (Microsoft Excel files) and will be supplied with accompanying metadata describing the history of the birds and the details of the tasks from which the data were obtained. Video footage of behavioural tests will be available electronically in a standard movie format (e.g. MPG files). Thermal image files will be stored as a standard photograph format (e.g. JPEG), suitable for export into most thermal image software packages (e.g. ThermaCam reporter). Data extracted from thermal image files for our studies will be made available in a standard electronic spreadsheet format (Microsoft Excel).

Complete download (zip, 56.8 KiB)

Creator(s) Christine Nicol, Anna Davies
Funder Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Contributor(s) Mia Persson, Andy Radford
Publication date 27 Aug 2014
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.es9h10vowggh13eighsazvch3
Citation Christine Nicol, Anna Davies (2014): BBSRC work.
Total size 56.8 KiB
