Flow-front measurement and simulation in RTM of reclaimed materials using a pressure mapping sensor

Data is collected during the manufacturing process of composite materials made by RTM. This data was obtained and analysed according to the methods described in the paper by Levy and Kratz, 2018.

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Creator(s) James Kratz, Arthur Levy, University of Nantes, arthur.levy@univ-nantes.fr
Funder University of Bristol
Publication date 01 Aug 2018
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.3d44jy10nv8h52cbtld95kjfev
Citation James Kratz, Arthur Levy, University of Nantes, arthur.levy@univ-nantes.fr (2018): Flow-front measurement and simulation in RTM of reclaimed materials using a pressure mapping sensor. https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.3d44jy10nv8h52cbtld95kjfev
Total size 252.9 MiB

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