DNA origami data and software

This folder contains the experimental data and Python software used to prepare the figures in the main text and supplementary information of the paper entitled 'Ice Nucleation by DNA Origami'.

Complete download (zip, 32.1 KiB)

Alternative title DNA origami
Creator(s) Walther Schwarzacher, Frederick Cook, Sarah Alsalhi, Natasa Vasiljevic
Contributor(s) andrew.turberfield@physics.ox.ac.uk, jonathan.bath@physics.ox.ac.uk
Publication date 17 Dec 2024
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.39wtcv1qdq5xq2misej9ngulvm
Citation Walther Schwarzacher, Frederick Cook, Sarah Alsalhi, Natasa Vasiljevic (2024): DNA origami data and software. https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.39wtcv1qdq5xq2misej9ngulvm
Total size 32.1 KiB


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