Data: Response to “placoderms and the evolutionary origin of teeth”

X-ray tomographic slice data of recent chondrichthyan teeth.

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Alternative title Data Ruecklin & Donoghue Response evolution of teeth 2016
Creator(s) Ruecklin, M, Philip Donoghue
Funder This study is supported by NERC (NE/G016623/1) and NWO (VIDI 864.14.009).
Publication date 15 Sep 2016
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.37q0cntawxcq1rkktq3e9mr1p
Citation Ruecklin, M, Philip Donoghue (2016): Data: Response to “placoderms and the evolutionary origin of teeth”.
Total size 4.4 GiB

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