int_defects toolbox v1.2.0

int_defects is a toolbox for MATLAB which automates parametric finite element studies of structures containing crack-like flaws. It is free and open-source software distributed under the terms of the MIT license (see included license file). int_defects is described in the paper:

H. E. Coules & M. A. Probert, "Studying the interaction of crack-like flaws using the MATLAB toolbox int_defects", Engineering Fracture Mechanics.

Further details of the scope and capabilities of the toolbox are given in the User Guide which is included with this distribution.

Complete download (zip, 5 MiB)

Creator(s) Harry Coules
Contributor(s) Molly Probert
Publication date 21 Oct 2019
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.2s1zavsbkctna2bnh6g6os9n2k
Citation Harry Coules (2019): int_defects toolbox v1.2.0.
Total size 5 MiB


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