Baulamycin NMR FIDs

This data contains raw NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy FIDs used to support the structure elucidation of Baulamycin A and B.

Data are in raw NMR (FID) formats and require the use of NMR processing software in order to open e.g. MestreNova (from MestreLabs SL), TopSpin (from Bruker), Delta (from JEOL) or SpecManager (from ACDLabs).

Complete download (zip, 2.6 GiB)

Creator(s) Siying Zhong, Craig Butts
Funder Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Publication date 02 Jun 2017
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.2nlg5j4you3r827t79fbkq3jgy
Citation Siying Zhong, Craig Butts (2017): Baulamycin NMR FIDs.
Total size 2.6 GiB

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