Comparison of Approaches for Measuring and Predicting the Viscosity of Ternary Component Aerosol Particles

Measurements of the water activity-dependent viscosity of aerosol particles from two techniques are compared, specifically from the coalescence of two droplets in a Holographic Optical Tweezers (HOT) and poke-and-flow experiments on particles deposited onto a glass substrate. These new data are also compared with the fitting of Dimer Coagulation, Isolation and Coalescence (DCIC) measurements. The aerosol system considered in this work are ternary mixtures of sucrose-citric acid-water and sucrose-NaNO3-water, at varying solute mass ratios. Results from HOT and poke-and-flow are in excellent agreement over their overlapping range of applicability (~103-107 Pa s); fitted curves from DCIC data show variable agree-ment with the other two techniques because of the sensitivity of the applied modelling framework to the representation of water content in the particles. Further, two modelling approaches for the predictions of the water activity-dependent viscosi-ty of these ternary systems are evaluated. We show that it is possible to represent their viscosity with relatively simple mixing rules applied to the subcooled viscosity values of each component or to the viscosity of the corresponding binary mixtures.

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Creator(s) Jonathan Reid, Allen Haddrell, Bryan Bzdek, Rachael Miles
Publication date 29 Jan 2019
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.1kqew0q12nk5q2km5pqwgwmzbq
Citation Jonathan Reid, Allen Haddrell, Bryan Bzdek, Rachael Miles (2019): Comparison of Approaches for Measuring and Predicting the Viscosity of Ternary Component Aerosol Particles.
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