The impact of selection on non-alcoholic vs alcoholic drink availability: an online experiment

This online study assessed the proportion of participants (n = 808 UK adults) selecting a non-alcoholic drink (vs. an alcoholic drink) in four different alcohol and non-alcoholic availability conditions (reference 1: two non-alcoholic drinks and two beers, reference 2: four non-alcoholic drinks and four beers, increased non-alcoholic: six non-alcoholic drinks and two beers, increased alcohol: two non-alcoholic drinks and six beers).

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Creator(s) Anna Blackwell, Katie De-loyde, Gareth Hollands, Richard Morris, Laura Brocklebank, Olivia Maynard, Paul Fletcher, Theresa Marteau, Marcus Munafo
Publication date 11 Mar 2020
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.1dnhjcw6w4m1n29u2yuxjywde1
Citation Anna Blackwell, Katie De-loyde, Gareth Hollands, Richard Morris, Laura Brocklebank, Olivia Maynard, Paul Fletcher, Theresa Marteau, Marcus Munafo (2020): The impact of selection on non-alcoholic vs alcoholic drink availability: an online experiment.
Total size 3.9 MiB

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