STAR IMPARt: Investigating the management of pain after replacement

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IRAS PROJECT ID: : 191672 REC reference: 15/WM/0469 People with long-term pain after knee replacement may make limited or no use of healthcare services. This study explores why people with long-term pain after knee replacement choose not to use healthcare services or use them very little. The aim of the STAR IMPARt study was to understand how people with long-term pain after total knee replacement people make decisions about whether to identify their pain as problematic and why they choose not to access formal NHS services.

Alternative title Understanding the treatment of infection after joint replacement: Interviews with patients and surgeons
Creator(s) Rachael Gooberman-Hill, Andrew Moore
Publication date 07 Jun 2023
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.14zz49e6d4fli2pxzqd2te71u3
Citation Rachael Gooberman-Hill, Andrew Moore (2023): STAR IMPARt: Investigating the management of pain after replacement.
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