Sedimentological and benthic foraminiferal data pertaining to ODP Holes 208-1262A and 208-1263C

We use a sediment-enabled Earth system model to test whether a reduction in bioturbation and/or the likely reduced carbonate saturation of more poorly ventilated waters can explain the more extreme excursion in bulk d13C and sharper transition in wt% CaCO3 at Site 1263. We find that both enhanced acidification and reduced bioturbation during peak ELMO conditions are needed to account for the observed features. Our combined ecological and modelling analysis illustrates the potential role of ocean circulation changes in amplifying local environmental changes and driving temporary, but drastic, loss of benthic biodiversity and abundance.

Creator(s) Suzanne Jennions
Funder Natural Environment Research Council
Publisher Pangaea
DOI 10.1594/PANGAEA.845418
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