Data deposit for: Correcting density-driven errors in projection-based embedding R. C. R. Pennifold, S. J. Bennie, T. F. Miller III, F. R. Manby, J. Chem. Phys., accepted (2017) The data deposit is organised as follows: calculations: The *.molden files contain orbitals used for plotting, the results of which are under the papers directory. The *.mol files contain the input scripts used to launch the Molpro jobs. The *.out file contain the output from the Molpro calculations. ionised_water_tetramer: Data pertaining to plots in figures 1--5 Files starting with "triangle_" refer to structure 1 in figure 1 Files starting with "chain_" refer to structure 2 in figure 1 Folder names contain the name of a DFT exchange-correlation functional Folders starting with "hf-" are where the DFT energy was evaluated using HF orbitals (e.g. hf-b3lyp) Folders ending "_embed" include embedding calculations geometries: Geometries of water clusters in xyz format ccsdpt: CCSD(T) input and output files orbitals: Files used to generate the orbital plots in figure 3 mixing: Calculations with varying fraction of HF exchange for figure 4 hydrocarbons: Data pertaining to figure 7 Data for calculations on hexane and butylamine borane. The data are organised in subfolders "butylamine" and "hexane". Within each of these there is a shared structure, described below. blyp_embed: Inputs/outputs for CCSD(T)-in-BLYP calculations hf_embed: Inputs/outputs for CCSD(T)-in-HF calculations dc_blyp Inputs/outputs for CCSD(T)-in-(HF-BLYP) calculations results: Contains comma separated variable and MS-excel files with the data that was used to generate all plots of numerical data in the paper