This directory contains the raw, unprocessed experimental spectral images measured at different time delays after 532 nm pulsed laser ablation of the polymer targets. The subdirectories PE, POM, and GAP are named according to the polymer, the sub-subdirectories within these according to the background gas, and the sub-sub-subdirectories according to the pressure. The experiments are numbered corresponding to the rows in Table 1 in the manuscript. Within each of the experiment directories are contained both the spectrally unresolved images (having "image" in the filename") and the dispersed spectral images, both named for the time delays at which they were measured. The data are provided as FITS files, a NASA-originated format widely used for astronomical data. Many different software packages are able to manipulate the FITS format (including MATLAB, Mathematica, and ImageJ), which is described in detail at, along with a list of other compatible software. Also included for reference are the scripts and data used to generate Figure 5. The scripts are provided as Mathematica notebooks (see, but have been saved also as PDF files, which however are (of course) not executable and so serve only to show the inputs and outputs for those who do not have access to a copy of Mathematica.