
We evaluated 4 hydrological model structures and their parameters on over 1000 catchments across Great Britain, considering modelling uncertainties. This research provides a benchmark of national modelling capability as well as a library of the best performing parameter sets for the FUSE models. Here, we provide the data that may be most useful for future studies - a list of the best model parameters for each catchment, summaries of model scores for each catchment, and time-series of model output for each catchment from the 4 different model structures.

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Alternative title Benchmarking hydrological model performance across Great Britain
Creator(s) Jim Freer, Gemma Coxon, Rosanna Lane
Contributor(s) Thorsten Wagener
Publication date 04 Jul 2019
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.3ma509dlakcf720aw8x82aq4tm
Citation Jim Freer, Gemma Coxon, Rosanna Lane (2019): Lane_et_al_Benchmark_FUSE_GB.
Total size 1 GiB


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