A model for multi-view ultrasonic array inspection of small two-dimensional defects

Supporting data for paper entitled "A model for multi-view ultrasonic array inspection of small two-dimensional defects" in IEEE Trans. Ferroelect., Ultrason. Freq. Contr., 2019.

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Creator(s) Paul Wilcox, Anthony Croxford, Jie Zhang, Rhodri Bevan, Nicolas Budyn
Publication date 04 Apr 2019
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.2plergoban2sh2dhqy1q122e1d
Citation Paul Wilcox, Anthony Croxford, Jie Zhang, Rhodri Bevan, Nicolas Budyn (2019): A model for multi-view ultrasonic array inspection of small two-dimensional defects. https://doi.org/10.5523/bris.2plergoban2sh2dhqy1q122e1d
Total size 412.3 MiB


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