Data for: A virtual experiment on pedestrian destination choice: the role of schedules, the environment, and behavioural categories

Data from an online experiment on destination choice in pedestrians. Participants choose a sequence of locations to visit under different experimental conditions. Data consists of individuals' choices made, as well as the attributes of the different available alternatives.

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Creator(s) Nikolai Bode, Christopher King
Publication date 05 May 2022
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.249d43dprgg8x2td33cdmg8kax
Citation Nikolai Bode, Christopher King (2022): Data for: A virtual experiment on pedestrian destination choice: the role of schedules, the environment, and behavioural categories.
Total size 5.3 MiB


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