Data for "Beyond the Fold: Experimentally Traversing Limit Points in Nonlinear Structures"

Data underlying the publication "Beyond the Fold: Experimentally Traversing Limit Points in Nonlinear Structures"

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Creator(s) Rainer Maria Groh, Robin Neville, Alberto Pirrera, Mark Schenk
Publication date 12 Aug 2019
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.1vw1mrp7hm84j2iw9o4m1whkcz
Citation Rainer Maria Groh, Robin Neville, Alberto Pirrera, Mark Schenk (2019): Data for "Beyond the Fold: Experimentally Traversing Limit Points in Nonlinear Structures".
Total size 4 GiB


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