SrVO3/SrTiO3 DFT+DMFT data

Density functional theory (DFT) + dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) calculations of the electronic structure SrVO3/SrTiO3 superlattices through the metal-insulator transition.

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Creator(s) Jude Laverock, Alyn James
Publication date 17 May 2021
Language eng
Publisher University of Bristol
Licence Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information
DOI 10.5523/bris.1n5ra5bhdim102ct2wb6ehfojw
Citation Jude Laverock, Alyn James (2021): SrVO3/SrTiO3 DFT+DMFT data.
Total size 476.3 KiB


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